Thank you very much for your encouraging response to the previous articles. With the recent Covid19 situation and social distancing scenario, most of the businesses across the world have adapted themselves to survive the crisis. Last couple of months we have witnessed a huge shift in the way companies doing business. Most of the business processes like are shifting from Real to Virtual platforms.


The hiring process is no different. Question is, will companies continue Virtual Hiring after the crisis is over? Well, we don’t know, however, one thing is definitely sure, life is never going to be the same again. My perspective as a Headhunter is that the post Covid19 crisis, cost, and speed are going to be the most critical elements of hiring than it has been ever.  Post Covid hiring is going to be of past ways of hiring(In-person interviews)  and new learning acquired due to crisis(virtual interviews), to optimize the hiring process and make it more effective.

In today’s article, I’ve summarized the pros and cons of Real Interviews and Virtual Interviews and how we can use the best of both worlds to adapt productively for the long term.


Real(Inperson ) Interviews


Virtual (online) interviews

1.       More personal Touch:

Important in the final round of interview with senior management, where critical discussions related to salary negotiations and company future plan/vision occurs.

2.       Opportunity to see future employer premises:  

 An in-person interview gives an opportunity for candidates to see the office/manufacturing facility, that establishes trust in the company.

3.       No additional employer branding  required:

Since the company already has the setup in place, no additional employer branding is required.

 4.       No Software security measures/firewalls required:




 1. Geographical Limitations: It is more time consuming considering the travel time required and also the travel expenses incurred either by the company or candidate.

 2. High Candidate no shows: There is a high last-minute Cancellations/rescheduling of Interviews.



3. Cost of recruitment high: Time is taken to close a position if high as a result cost per hire also goes high.



1.       No Geographical Limitations:

An employer can interview candidates from multiple geographical locations on the same day. This avoids a lot of hassles like candidate unavailability due to leave issues, travel delays, and other similar logistic issues.

. 2.       Convenience to attend for candidates:

Candidates are not required to take leaves for interviews and it comes easy for them to attend.

Significant Reduction in no shows:
Because of convenience, the interview attendance rate is higher compared to in-person interviews.

4.       Fast and cost-efficient: With large talent pool available and fast process. The recruitment time and

5.       cost is significantly reduced.


1.       Absence of personal touch:  Candidate does not get a chance to see the office/factory premises in person and employer doesn’t get opportunity to meet the prospective employee in person.

Investment in a secure video-conferencing application:
Company needs to invest in a secure video-conferencing application. However this cost is not very high and is a one-time expenditure.

3.       Decision-related to cultural fit can be tricky:
There is a great deal of difference in the body language you see in in-person and online.


The use of Virtual interviews for initial screening and technical assessment and in-person interviews for behavioral assessment and negotiations can have a great impact on long term cost and time.

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