COVID-19 Crisis: Are you looking of a job ?

COVID-19 Crisis: Looking of a job ?

The economic impact of novel Corona Virus has been devastating as many people loose jobs and companies face financial uncertainty.

However, the good news is some sectors are still doing good business and hiring eg, IT, Pharmaceutical, Health care, Transportation. Other sectors may also resume hiring few months after the lockdown.

Don’t sit idle in this lockdown.

Be job ready.

With a high impact, resume design with single focus to land you a job, at the price of a Pizza.

Free, Job posting on top 5 portals and job search tips. (Special Offer upto 15th May 2020)

Click on the following link to book a call with our resume designer. To know more about our resume writing services visits our page: RESUME WRITING SERVICES.

Welcome to CV / resume writing experts, by AceSai Staffing!

Have you ever faced following problems while applying for a job:

  • Not receiving calls from recruiters
  • CV seems to be lost after submitting, no response
  • CV is not able to help you land a job in your dream company.

Well, we can provide solutions to these problems with our professional resume writing

How different are we from regular resume writing services? Our value additions are:

  • We are strong recruiting partners with several multinationals in IT, Healthcare, Food, Automotive, Engineering industry. Thus, resumes are written keeping in mind employer expectations, culture, competencies, shortlisting patterns etc.
  • We have a team of resume writer and recruiter working for each assignment. After the resume writer writes the resume, it’s quality is verified by a recruiter keeping the perspective of the client or specific industry in mind.
  • For Senior level profiles, there is one more quality check done by the Subject Matter Expert from your domain.
  • Complete transparency in every step, right from discussing your goal, preparing first draft to preparing the final draft. The process takes 1-2 weeks based on the industry or role.

In the present challenging circumstances, we have a very special offer for you. Along with writing your resume, we offer free tips on your future job search and 30 days free job search support.

To explore further about the process, timeline and prices, please email your interest to vrunda on or call on 9765391034.

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