8 Essentials of Work from Home Policy

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The Covid19 has caught most of the businesses unaware. Some industry segments are already equipped with the work from home policy and are using it effortlessly. However, some segments of the industry are completely unaware. The transition is not going to the easy, however, it will lead to digital transformation of the workforce.

So now since this has a lot of advantages, let us discuss the essential ingredients of the work from home policy. This will address the ambiguity and loss of productivity issues related to Work from Home.

  1. Policy Scope: This will clearly indicate when employees will be allowed to work from home. Under special circumstances (covid19), fulltime/part-time, medical issues, parenting, a specific department, specific duration, etc.
  2. Technical Aspects: It is the job of the company to provide, all the desired tools required to work from home. It saves employees valuable time wasted dealing with technical issues, thus empowering them.

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  1. Security Aspects: Since employers are giving access to their data, it is very important to make sure that they are not vulnerable to cybersecurity threats.
  2. Communication Channels: Clear information on communication channels and schedules.
  3. Expectations and work schedules: There should be transparency and clear communication about the expectations. Which means the deliverables and timeline? People also need to rest and recharge. So the delicate boundary between the two needs to be addressed.
  4. Leaves policy: Leaves, working hours need to be clear on mutually agreed terms.
  5. Training: Of course training to implement the above pointers.
  6. Health & Safety guidelines: The work from home policy needs to address the different sets of health hazards remotely working employees face.

Clearly, there is a lot of merit in Work from Home since most of the corporates are talking about it.
-Most of the employees feel motivated, due to flexible working hours. Commute time is saved.
-Companies save the operations cost with a full or partial workforce working from home.
-Environmental impact: fewer traffic jams and pollution.

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